My family with Aunty Betty (sitting second from left) in Vilna, 1928

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

New York

My sister, Luisa and her boyfriend Scott are helping me out again. They're in New York at the moment filming an interview with Norman Cohen and his wife Ethel. Norman is the son of Aunty Betty's sister, Esther. Norman has a treasure of stories to tell about his parents and their generation.

Norman Cohen (photo Laurie Polli)

During the Second World War, Norman served in the American armed forces and fought in the Normandy landings.

Norman Cohen, photo taken after the liberation of in Paris, 1944

This is the second interview made for the documentary. In 2010 I interviewed Bernice Polli and her husband Laurie in Glasgow.

Bernice is the granddaughter of Annie Taylor, standing in the middle in the banner photo above. Ray Taylor, sitting second from the right in the banner photo, was Annie Taylor's daughter and Bernice's mother.

So curious to see how the footage turns out. A big thanks to all the family in New York who are making this happen!